Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oaks of Righteousness(part 2)

As I was reading through my previous posts today, I came across this post.  Something about it screamed at me....that it needed to be continued.  It is truly amazing to me the chains that I have been able to break through, since the original post nearly two years ago.  God has changed me and healed me from things that I never dreamed possible, even from things that I didn't know were keeping me in bondage.  The beginning of this year, marks another time of struggle for me....as God has laid before me things that He wants me to deal with from my past.  I have come to realize that running from things only makes them bigger and more painful when you deal with them.   

I learned from the Beth Moore Breaking Free bible study, that she truly believes that in order for us to move forward, we must have courage.  We must be ready to fight and stand up and change the future, by not repeating the past.  We must be willing to 'break free' of unhealthy habits and make choices by 'love and not loyalty'.  After I did this bible study, I was able to realize that it is possible to rebuild the ancient ruins.  Isaiah 61:4 reads, "They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations."  I feel like this verse actually gives me the permission to make the choices that are necessary to protect my family from the devastation and guide them to a healthier life.  I don't want to remain in the bondage that I have been in all these years.  Nor do I want to pass down these things to future generations.  I want us to be free to be exceptional, just as God has called each of us to be according to Jeremiah 18:11b.  "So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions."  

Once again, I continued to be amazed at how God continues to reveal specific places in my life, where I remain in bondage.  This is something God has been working on with me for at least a few years now.  Experience after experience, he opens doors that were closed or places that were stored away that I was truly unaware of.  There is nothing more precious to me than my freedom, from the things that have held me captive all of my life.  Even memories from my life(bad & good) have caused me to live in bondage, for reasons that I couldn't understand, until recently.  God continues to give me the courage and strength to push forward and heal, even when the pain is more than I can bear.  God wants each of us to be free! 

I recently painted this oak tree on my office wall and added the following verse. In Isaiah 61:3b it says, "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor."   God wants us to be free so that he can enjoy us.  He doesn't want us to be captive.  I don't know about you, but I would love to be viewed as a beautiful tree.  I believe this is the way that God views us.  He views all of us as beautiful, even when we can't see it.  As we struggle to be free from things that hold us captive, we can choose to build firm roots by leaning on our family, friends and the word of God. Our relationship with God will help to give us the strength and courage to break free.  We must take time to be still and listen and not be anxious.  1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 

All trees are beautiful, but old oak trees have a special place in my heart.  I find old oak trees amazingly beautiful.  I believe that each of us can be compared with an oak tree.  God made each of us so different, just as each old oak is completely different.  Yet, we were each created for a specific purpose.  God loves us and gave each of us unique gifts & talents, that fit with the individual plan that he has for each of our lives.  In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Believe it or not, God really does have an amazing plan for all of us.  I have been blessed to have small glimpses of this plan over the last few years.  But, I have also learned that being obedient is the only way to receive what God's best is for you.  You can't get to God's best on your own.  You must be obedient to what He asks you to do....even if it means giving up dreams or things that you love and feel called to do.  I am going to cling to this verse as I choose to follow God's request to step away from things.  In John 14:27 it says,  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." God's reward will be better than what you could imagine giving up....believe me, I know!       

God wants each of us to be planted by truth, so that we can grow and be beautiful.  This is not our own truth, but the truth of his word, the Bible.  We can't believe the lies that we have always believed.  You are worthless.  You don't deserve to be happy.  You will never amount to anything.  You won't have a long healthy life.  You will never change.  You will continue to hurt people.  You will never be loved the way you want to be.  These are just some of the lies, that Satan tells us.  We can't fall into the same unhealthy traps.  We must be firmly planted in his truth.  "Then.......the truth will set you free."  John 8:32 

We must stand up for what we believe in, and not be persuaded by loyalty, but by LOVE!  We must NOT doubt the love that God has for us!  We must trust and know that we are forgiven, even when we aren't ready to forgive ourselves.  Nobody is perfect....we are ALL, only perfect sinners!  We must move forward knowing that we have the ability to do things differently with the strength of God.  

God has a specific purpose for YOU in this lifetime!  If you never seek to figure out what that purpose is, then you will never know, the amazing blessings that God has for you!  Don't let history, be the deciding factor for your future!  My desire is that everyone would strive to be become the beautiful oak tree that God desires us to be.  My prayer is that each of you would be able to experience what God's best is for YOU!  

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