Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our first big testing....

Well, it has been about a week since I last blogged. We past our one week mark for elimination of dairy. This morning we decided to test milk back into our diet. We all had high hopes. I am not sure that today was all that we had hoped for. At this point, we have determined that all four of the kids reacted to the reintroduction of milk. It appears from our first test that this is a dairy allergy of some sort that we are dealing with. We experienced numerous different symptoms as reactions today. Some of the symptoms included stomach pain, headaches, feeling emotionally out of control, and hyperactivity or wildness. We are not done with our testing. Everyone was happy to go back to the Vanilla Rice Milk tonight. The boys have been home with sore throats and coughs, because they haven't been feeling good. They should be returning to school in the morning. Sydney hasn't felt well the last two days and has been home also. We will try again with some other type of dairy(cream cheese, sour cream, cheese, etc.) in 3 or 4 days, after this reaction has some time to go away. Through my research, I have learned that there are different types of milk protein and they might be allergic to a certain one and not all of them. So, we will test different dairy products until we have a good idea of what works and what doesn't. Some friends I have talked with, have even been able to have milk, if it is heated(like in a casserole). I am definitely learning so much about how food can be linked to so many behaviors. I would have never believed it, if I hadn't watched it with my own eyes.

We will also soon be testing in some stage 2 foods. We are all looking forward to adding some much missed foods to our diet(like berries). Hopefully, we will have better luck with those! :) Well, I pray all is well with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. My nephew can't have milk but he can have other dairy foods, just not too much. Hunter prefers soy milk over cows milk. Ultimately our best solution has come from spending more time outdoors as our cure for behavior, mood and appetite problems. Best wishes in finding a solution.
