Monday, May 17, 2010

Continued journey...

Well, our journey continues as we are still working to find all of our allergies from stage one. We would really like to be able to try some stage 2 foods. In order to do this, we must figure out what is causing problems among the stage 1 foods.

Recently, we discovered that corn seems to be causing issues for the three youngest kids. Corn is definitely not a fun allergy. Corn is in everything. After trying to find a baking powder without cornstarch, and having no luck. I searched and found a recipe for homemade baking powder that we substituted the cornstarch with potato starch. This seems to work just fine. Some of the foods that contain corn are: butter/margarine, baking powder, chips, cereals, and breads. There are many other foods which contain derivatives of corn. We haven't had to eliminate those, yet. We are still working towards being reaction free for a week. We haven't actually had that occur yet.

We have recently discovered soy is an issue for the boys and possibly the girls. It is very obvious for the boys, but not quite that way with the girls. Soy is also in so many things. Soy can be in butter/margarine, pretzels, soy sauce, mayonnaise and so many other foods. We are working towards eliminating all sources of both, but this is a little overwhelming some days.

So here is a run down of our current allergies or things we avoid. We avoid molasses, malted barley, dairy, soy, corn, most citric acid, sulfites, MSG, and nitrites. We also avoid some stage 1 fruits which have caused problems or reactions, such as kiwi, pineapple, and grapefruit. I recently had an issue with a watermelon, but it was from Mexico and bothered another family member(not of my immediate 6) who is sensitive to stuff they spray on some watermelon. We will try a more locally grown one and see if it causes the same problem. We also avoid tomatoes, because of one of my kids severe reaction to some tomatoes. We are planning to test some stage 2 fruits and veggies this summer. Hopefully, we will have successful tests. We did test apples, but that test didn't go over well for the kids. I am able to have an organic peeled granny smith apple, but I can't have apples to close together...or I react from buildup of salicylates.

It is hard to believe that we have been on Feingold for nearly 8 months. It is also hard to believe that we haven't had any fast food since September. I actually really don't miss it, like I would have originally thought that I would. We have been making most foods from scratch, which I actually really enjoy. We are learning to enjoy many new foods...that we wouldn't have tried before. I am so glad to be on this journey. I praise God for all of the information we have learned and gained from our experiences. Our family has changed so much and we are thankful for this opportunity to learn so much about health and how food affects different things.

We look forward to trying new things in the months to come...until then. Blessings!

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