Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The past few weeks have been filled with new memories and the reminder of many old, but not forgotten memories. California is where I was born and raised and spent 23 years becoming this person that I am. It was all of the events of this time, that helped to shape and form me into who I am. There are not a lot of people that played key roles in my life. Some of the most precious memories that I have of my childhood took place at my grandparents home. I remember all of the time that I spent during the summers visiting. I also remember all of the miles that my brother and I rode on our bikes with my Grandpappy(and Grandmother some) around their neighborhoods. Those were some of the memories that I will hang on to and cherish forever. As this trip is quickly drawing to a close, I am trying to hold tight to those memories. Although, I am somewhat anxious to return home and get back into a routine....I am also torn up inside at the thought of leaving my family, especially my grandparents. It has been a year and a half since we were here the last time and I am uncertain when we will be able to return again. My grandparents are not getting any younger and my grandfather's health is quickly declining. He is 93 years old. This is the reason that this trip has been so difficult and important for me. I feel so blessed to have had them in my life for as long as I have. Thank you, Jesus! I don't think that I could ever repay half of what they have given to me over my 36 years. They are the most amazing grandparents EVER! I pray that I will have just some of the wisdom and love that they have bestowed upon me and my family for my grandchildren in the future. God bless them!

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